Smart Campus 2023 Innovation Design Contest

Arduino Education has joined forces with and DFRobot to launch the Smart Campus 2023 Innovation Design Contest, challenging school affiliates (students, faculties, young makers, educators, and researchers) who live and work on a school campus to come up with innovative ways to better their campus life!

The contest is looking for forward-thinking ideas that level up efficiency, sustainability, and connectivity across campus. This is an opportunity to build intelligent applications that are not only gadget-savvy but also wellness conscious, ranging from VR/AR interactive experiences, dorm robots, smart vending machines, electric vehicles, contactless cafeterias, smart herb farms etc.

Projects will leverage DFRobot’s ESP32/ESP8266 series combined with the gravity sensors; and use Arduino Cloud for quick configuring, programming, and connecting devices. As a special sweetener for this contest, contest participants have the exclusive opportunity to win the brand new Hackster EEDU Kits, debuting commercially later this year, to use in their contest project build.

Hackster EEDU kits, powered by DFRobot, have all the hardware and components needed to build solutions in three different areas: IoT, AI, and Environmental Sensing. These kits allow engineering educators or electronics learners to get started with projects fast and effectively.

US-based schools have the exclusive opportunity to win the brand new Hackster EEDU Kits, hardware application opens from Mar 2, 2023, to Mar 19, 2023, and giveaway winners will be announced on Arduino Day on Mar 25, 2023.

Arduino Cloud will be sponsoring one school as the grand prize with a full-year education subscription plan, and there are five more innovation categories of special prizes and rewards in sustainability, transportation, community engagement, accessibility, safety & security.

Register for the contest HERE