
Device Control

Library to capture pixels from supported cameras on Arduino boards.
The Arduino camera library is a C++ library designed to capture frames from cameras on supported Arduino products. It is currently compatible with three camera models, namely OV7670, Himax HM0360, Himax HM01B0, and GC2145. This library captures pixels and stores them in a frame buffer. The frames can then be retrieved continuously for processing.

Author: Arducam

Maintainer: Arducam

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This library is compatible with the mbed, mbed_portenta, mbed_nicla, mbed_giga architectures so you should be able to use it on the following Arduino boards:

Compatibility Note

Note: while the library is supposed to compile correctly on these architectures, it might require specific hardware features that may be available only on some boards.


To use this library, open the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE and install it from there.