

Controlling the IoT MKR Carrier
Allows you to control all the components included in the Explore IoT Kit


This library is compatible with the samd architecture so you should be able to use it on the following Arduino boards:

Compatibility Note

Note: while the library is supposed to compile correctly on these architectures, it might require specific hardware features that may be available only on some boards.


To use this library, open the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE and install it from there.


This is a basic documentation about the library for the MKR IoT Carrier .

The library can be downloaded from the Arduino IDE’s library manager or by going to the github repository

This carrier has a lot of features and sensors to play with, some of them are the capacitive buttons, 5 RGB LEDs, the 240x240 RGB display and much more!

Its included in some kits:

and Standalone:

Examples Included

  • Actuators
    • Buzzer_Melody
    • Relays_blink
  • All Features
  • Display
    • Compose_Images
    • Graphics
    • Show_GIF (needs external library)
  • LEDs
  • SD_card
  • Sensors
    • Environment
    • IMU
    • Light
    • Pressure
  • TouchPads
    • CustomSensitivity
    • getTouch
    • Relays_control_Qtouch
    • Touch_Signals
    • Touch_and_LEDs
    • TouchTypes
  • Interruptions (TODO)
  • Arduino Cloud (TODO)



Constructor of the object

MKRIoTCarrier yourName; //In the examples we name it as *carrier*

Initialization example sketch

#include <Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier.h>
MKRIoTCarrier carrier;

if(!carrier.begin(){  //It will see any sensor failure
   Serial.println("Failure on init");


This can be accessed using the SD library commands that is already #included inside the library

The SD class initialized in the main begin()

The chip select (CS) pin can be known with SD_CS

Syntax Example

#include <Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier.h>
MKRIoTCarrier carrier;

File myFile;

   carrier.begin();  //SD card initialized here
   myFile ="test.txt", FILE_WRITE);

Buttons class

Init the calaibration and the set up for the touchable pads (Already done in the MKRIoTCarrier class’ begin())


Read the state of the pads and save them to be analyze in the different type of touch events


Use TOUCHX being X a number from 0 to 4 (Button00 - Button04)

Get if the pad is getting touched, true until it gets released


Get when have been a touch down


Get when the button has been released


Get both, touched and released


In case you have another enclosure you can change the sensitivity of the pads, 3-100 Automatically configured when you call carrier.withCase(), by default is false (sensitivity threshold 4)

Buttons.updateConfig(int newSens)
Syntax example
#include <Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier.h>
MKRIoTCarrier carrier;

void setup(){

void loop(){
   carrier.Buttons.update();	// Read the buttons state
   //Check if the Button 0 is being touched
   if (carrier.Buttons.getTouch(TOUCH0)){
      Serial.println("Touching Button 0");
   //You can replace getTouch(), with the other types of touch events
   //If you use more than one type of events in the same Button its not going to be stable, watch out
   //In case you need it, after each touch event make a Buttons.update() to read it correctly

Buzzer class

Equivalent to tone(), it will make the tone with the selected frequency


Equivalent to noTone(), it will stop the tone signal


To emit a beep you can use the beep() method:


Relay class

Control both relays and get the status of them

You can control them by using Relay1 and Relay2

Swap to the NormallyOpen (NO) circuit of the relay

Swap to the NormallyClosed (NC) circuit of the relay, default mode on power off


Bool, returns the status LOW means NC and HIGH means NO


DotStar LEDs

It is controlled with the Adafruit’s DotStar library

The documentation form Adafruit here

Syntax Example

#include <Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier.h>
MKRIoTCarrier carrier;

uint32_t myCustomColor = carrier.leds.Color(255,100,50);

void setup(){
   carrier.leds.fill(myCustomColor, 0, 5);;

void loop(){}

Some examples Init the LEDs strip, done by default using the main begin()


Sets the color of the index’s LED

leds.setPixelColor(index, red, green, blue)

In case you have custom colors you can use this method too

leds.setPixelColor(index, color)

Set the overall brightness


Update the LEDs with the new values

Clear the buffer of the LEDs


Fill X amount of the LEDs with the same color

leds.fill(color, firstLedToCount, count)

Save your custom color:

uint32_t myColor = carrier.leds.Color(red, green, blue)

Pressure sensor - LPS22HB (Barometric)

Visit our reference about LPS22HB

Syntax Example

float pressure; 
pressure = carrier.Pressure.readPressure()


Visit our reference about LSM6DS3

Syntax Example

float aX,aY,aZ;
carrier.IMUmodule.readAcceleration(aX, aY, aZ);

Humidity and Temperature - HTS221

Visit our reference about HTS221

Syntax Example

float humidity;
humidity = carrier.Env.readHumidity();

Ambient light, Gesture and Proximity - APDS9960

Visit our reference about APDS9960

Syntax Example

int proximity;
proximity = carrier.Light.readProximity();


It is controlled through the Adafruit-ST7735-Library

The resolution is 240 x 240.

Initialized inside the main begin()

Colors : every color with the prefix ‘ST77XX_’ i.e. ST77XX_BLACK. Colors available from the library are BLACK, WHITE, RED, GREEN, BLUE, CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW, ORANGE

In order to turn on the screen you will need to add this inside the setup() (already inside the main begin())

display.init(240, 240);

Colors : every color with the prefix ‘ST77XX_’ i.e. ST77XX_BLACK. Colors available from the library are BLACK, WHITE, RED, GREEN, BLUE, CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW, ORANGE


Fill the entire screen with the selected color


Get width and height

   display.width() / height()

Rotates the coordinate system (number between 0 and 3)


Set the cursor to write text in the selected pixels

   display.setCursor(screenX, screenY)

It will print the string inside in the current cursor position


Saves the selected color to print the text until the color is changed again


Sets the size of the text that is going to be printed


Set the auto wrap of the text, if it is not the text will not jump to the next line.


Draw a Line from the start Vector to the End vector with the selected color, Use drawFastVLine() and drawFastHLine() introducing the same settings, to avoid the agular calc.

   display.drawLine(startX, startY, endX, endY, color)

Draw a Circle from the center Vector with the selected radius and color

   display.drawCircle(centerX, centerY, radius, color)

Draw a rectangle

   display.drawRect(topLeftX, topLeftY, width, height, color)

Draw a filled rectangle

    display.fillRect(topLeftX, topLeftY, width, height, color)

Draw a filled circle from the center Vector, with the selected radius and color

    display.fillCircle(centerX, centerY, radius, color)

Draw a rounded rectangle

    display.drawRoundRect(topLeftX, topLeftY, width, height, curveRadius, color)

Draw a filled and rounded rectangle

    display.fillRoundRect(topLeftX, topLeftY, width, height, curveRadius, color)

Draw a triangle by introducing the 3 points and color

    display.drawTriangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, color)

Draw a filled triangle

    display.fillTriangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, color)

Draw a character

    display.drawChar(topLeftX, topLeftY, character, color, backgroundColor, size)

Draw a bitmap, the bitmap needs to be with PROGMEM

    display.drawBitmap(startX, startY, bitmap, width, height, color)