
Signal Input/Output

A library for using a simple mechanical push (momentary) button as a momentary button, a latching button, a counter, an enumerator, and more.
The library allows a mechanical momentary button to be used as a virtual button with different functionality. The library implements the behavior of a momentary button, a latching button, a counter, an enumerator, and more. It also makes it very easy to develop buttons with your own custom behavior. The Bounce2 library is used to add debouncing functionality. Note that because some input devices like optical sensors or limit switches are functionally equivilent to tactile buttons, they can also be used with this library.

Author: Lance A. Endres

Maintainer: Lance A. Endres

Read the documentation


This library is compatible with all architectures so you should be able to use it on all the Arduino boards.


To use this library, open the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE and install it from there.