

将C++标准库移植到 Arduino。A port of C++ Standard Library to Arduino.
*新功能:vector::cbegin vector::cend vector::crbegin vector::crend* 基于ArduinoSTL,该库包括重要的C++函数,包括cout和cin,printf和scanf。它还包括 STL 容器,如vector和algorithm。New features: unique_ptr, mt19937, shuffle.* Based on ArduinoSTL, this library includes important C++ functions, including cout and cin, printf and scanf. It also includes STL containers like vector and algorithm.

Author: 埃博拉酱

Maintainer: 埃博拉酱

Read the documentation


This library is compatible with the avr, megaavr architectures so you should be able to use it on the following Arduino boards:

Compatibility Note

Note: while the library is supposed to compile correctly on these architectures, it might require specific hardware features that may be available only on some boards.


To use this library, open the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE and install it from there.