SparkFun External EEPROM Arduino Library

Data Storage

Library for I2C Communication with external EEPROMs
A library for the advanced control of any I2C based EEPROM. This library writes extremely fast and automatically handles the writing of pages to make the entire EEPROM act as one large writable block. Automatically reads and writes ints, floats, arrays, and structs. Works with all EEPROMs including very large 512kbit EEPROMs and any Wire port (Wire1, etc). Use with Qwiic EEPROM to make it easy to read and write cal data and other user settings. Configurable I2C buffer size increases throughput up to 30kB/s. Includes examples demonstrating wear-level writing, SD file to EEPROM write, and auto writes/verifies to EEPROM. Tested with 24LC00, 24LC01B, 24AA02, 24LC04B, 24LC16BH, 24LC32A, 24LC256, CAT24C512, 24LC1025, and 24LC1026.

Author: SparkFun Electronics

Maintainer: SparkFun Electronics

Read the documentation


This library is compatible with all architectures so you should be able to use it on all the Arduino boards.


To use this library, open the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE and install it from there.