

Light-Weight MultiWiFi/Credentials Manager for Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RTL8720, etc. boards running Generic WiFi (WiFiNINA, WiFi101, ESP8266-AT, ESP32-AT, etc.) modules/shields. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters.
Library to configure MultiWiFi/Credentials at runtime for Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RP2040-based (Nano RP2040 Connect, RP2040), RTL8720 boards, etc. using Generic WiFi (WiFiNINA, WiFi101, ESP8266-AT, ESP32-AT, etc.) modules/shields. You can also specify DHCP HostName, static AP and STA IP. Use much less memory compared to full-fledge WiFiManager. Config Portal will be auto-adjusted to match the number of dynamic custom parameters. Optional default Credentials to be autoloaded into Config Portal to use or change instead of manually input. Credentials are saved in LittleFS/InternalFS, (emulated-)EEPROM, FlashStorage_SAMD, FlashStorage_STM32 or DueFlashStorage. New powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters from sketch and input using the same Config Portal. DoubleDetectDetector as well as Virtual Switches feature permits entering Config Portal as requested. Now using WiFiMulti_Generic library

Author: Khoi Hoang

Maintainer: Khoi Hoang

Read the documentation


This library is compatible with all architectures so you should be able to use it on all the Arduino boards.


To use this library, open the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE and install it from there.