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[Arithmetic Operators]


Division is one of the four primary arithmetic operations. The operator / (slash) operates on two operands to produce the result.


result = numerator / denominator;


result : variable. Allowed data types: int, float, double, byte, short, long
numerator : variable or constant. Allowed data types: int, float, double, byte, short, long
denominator : non zero variable or constant. Allowed data types: int, float, double, byte, short, long

Example Code

int a = 50;
int b = 10;
int c = 0;
c = a / b;  // the variable 'c' gets a value of 5 after this statement is executed

Notes and Warnings

  1. If one of the numbers (operands) are of the type float or of type double, floating point math will be used for the calculation.

  2. If the operands are of float / double data type and the variable that stores the sum is an integer, then only the integral part is stored and the fractional part of the number is lost.

float a = 55.5;
float b = 6.6;
int c = 0;
c = a / b;  // the variable 'c' stores a value of 8 only as opposed to the expected result of 8.409

See also