Breaking into the World of Coding: Proven Strategies for Getting Started

Learning how to code can open up new opportunities and lead to a life-long, rewarding career, whether that’s as an employee or being your own boss.

Another avenue you could take if you learn how to code is to develop your own software applications. But it’s not all about big dreams - you might want to learn coding to use this knowledge in your existing career by enhancing your efficiency and productivity. For example, you could automate some of the more routine tasks in your job remit…

Whatever career path or practical applications you want to pursue, breaking into the world of coding will require you to start somewhere. If you’re a total beginner, read on to discover some proven strategies that can help you get started on your coding journey.

Is it worth learning coding?

Whether you intend to learn coding to enhance work productivity, pursue a new career path, or simply start a new hobby, learning a new skill like coding is a worthwhile endeavor.

That’s because learning new skills rewires the neural network of your brain. It makes your brain more efficient and effective in solving problems. It’s a method of self improvement, not only in terms of learning the new skill, but also in terms of overall brain function.

Just like learning a new language, learning coding enhances your linguistic and logical skills. Computer programming languages also follow certain “grammar” or syntax. They have their own structures and symbols. However, unlike natural human languages, computer programming languages are more symbolic and strictly logical in structure. Writing a program requires careful preparation by mapping the flow of instructions through algorithms.

Once you have learned how to code, you will be able to see new ways to solve various types of problems - some of which are not necessarily connected to programming a computer. Learning to code simply helps you become more systematic and organized in your approach to things.

How long does it take to learn to code?

The time required to learn computer coding will depend on several factors. For example, are you planning to learn on your own or enroll in a class?

If you’re self-learning, it’s probably going to take longer if you are a beginner - even if you have strong self-discipline to learn. It can take you six to 12 months to be proficient in at least four programming languages as a self-taught learner using video tutorials and books - although don’t be surprised if it takes a little longer than that.

On the other hand, it may take only three to six months to learn how to code if you enroll in a coding bootcamp. Another option is pursue a degree in computer science, which can take up to four years to complete, but should qualify you for technical positions and supervisory roles.

Is computer science the same as coding?

Computer science is not the same as coding. However, computer science requires you to be proficient in computer programming languages. You can informally study coding, but you need to pursue a degree if you want to be highly skilled in computer science as it involves studying both machine language and high-level programming languages.

Computer science is geared towards developing computer software applications and also improving coding languages. It takes a broader range of knowledge and skills to become a computer scientist. It also involves learning how to assemble a computer and improve upon its design.

What is the most effective way for learning code?

The most effective way to learn how to code and become proficient in it is, like many skills, practice.

However, before you can practice, you first need to have some fundamental knowledge and skills. Here are some learning steps that you could take.

  1. Learn the basics - such as the concepts of algorithms, syntaxes, semantics, and logical statements. Learn simple computer programming languages like Python as your foundation for learning more advanced and complex languages.
  2. Try and find someone who knows how to code - the main advantage of enrolling in a course in coding is that you can ask your instructor for assistance. When you’re self-taught, it’s relatively difficult to ask for assistance.
  3. Apply what you have learned - you can try some practical exercises and problems to apply your coding knowledge. Start with the simple ones and progressively take on more difficult ones.
  4. Manually write your codes - you can use various tools to make your programming tasks easier. For example, there are plenty of ready-made codes out there that you can integrate into your work. There are also platforms that can parse your codes. However, if you want to be truly skillful, practice manually without using any automation.
  5. Use online tools and resources - you’ll find a ton of online tools and resources to aid you in your coding. For example, you could use compilers, debugging tools, and testing tools online.
  6. Take regular breaks - coding can be a grueling process. It may take you hours of writing and debugging codes before it works, and that can be frustrating, tiring, and stressful. It’s crucial that you take regular breaks.
  7. Build up to complex tasks - the only way that you’ll be able to level up your coding skills is to try solving more complex problems. Don’t be content writing simple codes - try developing software applications!

Opportunities for coding jobs

There are many entry level and advanced positions available for computer programmers and those who know how to code. These include the following:

  • Junior programmer
  • Web developer
  • Game developer
  • IT security analyst
  • A.I. trainer
  • Network administrator
  • Data scientist
  • Computer systems engineer

How Arduino Education can help you learn code

Students of any age or background can learn how to code as a beginner using Arduino Education kits (and you’ll have fun while you’re doing it!).

These kits provide an easy and accessible way to create physical projects, with microcontrollers and an integrated development environment (IDE) that allows students to quickly and easily write, compile, and upload code to the board.

The Arduino IDE uses a programming language based on C/C++, which is a widely used language in the programming industry. This means that learning to program with Arduino involves learning basic programming concepts such as loops, conditionals, functions, and variables, which are fundamental to any programming language.


Just like learning any other new skill, it requires time and effort to learn how to code. This is especially true if you are a beginner. It might be best for you to enroll in a class or course in coding, rather than trying to learn coding on your own. But once you know how to code, many new opportunities could open up for you!

Are you an educator looking for coding resources for middle school, high school or university? Take a look at Arduino Education kits and how they can support your hands-on coding lessons.