The Role of the IoT in Education

Integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) into education makes it more accessible, interactive, and collaborative.

IoT technology has advanced to a point that it has become a nexus of information and connectivity. The Internet of Things is opening up new ways of doing things and learning things and has real potential in making education more responsive, agile, and democratic.

What is the IoT?

The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a system of interconnected (networked) devices that can communicate with each other, sharing information. It can include sensors, cameras, robots, and user interfaces such as mobile phones. This integrated system of devices can either be local or global.

For example, in an office building, the lighting, CCTV, printers, desktop computers, HVAC system, and biometric attendance system can all be connected with each other. The various devices in the network can be automated to adjust to the needs and activities of the employees.

It’s possible to customize the coffee maker based on employee preferences. The system could also be programmed to dim or switch off the lights based on the presence or absence of people in a room.

In a more personal setting, many homes are now using virtual assistant technology such as Alexa, not only for entertainment purposes but also to integrate household functions, such as video doorbells and lights.

This is the Internet of Things.

Why does IoT matter in education?

The Internet of Things is a crucial tool for making education more accessible, interactive, and collaborative. It can facilitate online, real-time interaction between students and teachers. It has expanded the classroom into cyberspace.

Physical distance has become less of a hindrance to learning. Even now that face-to-face classes have returned post-pandemic, the role of IoT in education remains crucial. It can make classroom instruction more interesting and interactive and collaborative group projects are a lot easier, from the design to the prototype phase.

But more than this, the IoT matters in education because we’re giving students the skills, knowledge, and tools they’ll need in the future. The IoT is becoming such an integrated part of our lives that students will be missing out if they don’t learn about it from as early an age as possible.

What are the three important roles of technology in education?

Since the beginning of the first formal school more than 4,000 years ago, the use of contemporary technology has always been part of the education system.

From papyrus in ancient Egypt to touchscreen tablets in modern classrooms, the use of the most current technologies available to the public is a must for education. Although there are several roles that technology plays in education, most of these can be categorized into three categories: accessibility, interactivity, and collaboration.

  • Accessibility - technology in the form of computers (both handheld and desktop devices), computer peripherals, electronic kits, audio-visual devices, mechanical devices, and the Internet of Things makes education more accessible to a wider range of students. Educational materials and classes can also be easily accessed via online platforms.
  • Interactivity - technology is used not only to access the vast store of information online, but also as a means of communication and interaction between students and teachers. Learning materials can be made more dynamic and interactive. For example, for those who are just starting to learn coding and programming, they can conduct test runs of their programs on online platforms. Virtual experimentation on structural designs can also be done using certain applications before prototyping the design. Some schools have 3D printers that can be used by students to prototype designs or create scaled-down models.
  • Collaboration - technology makes it possible to collaborate at various levels, both online and face-to-face. For example, students can collaborate on a research paper using cloud storage such as Google Drive. Documents can be edited in real-time among the various members of a group. They can also easily share information.

What are the benefits of IoT?

The main benefit of teaching IoT in today’s classroom is that students are learning crucial skills they’ll need in the future - whether that’s at work or at home.

Schools can also benefit from the Internet of Things in several ways. For example, it can help to make the school more secure. There are affordable and user-friendly CCTV systems that can be accessed through mobile devices that make security monitoring more efficient. Schools can also integrate and automate electricity use, becoming more energy efficient.

1. Easy accessibility to resources

From databases to printers, using IoT technology makes it easier for students and teachers to access various types of resources. Depending on the security level of authority of a student, teacher or school employee, certain types of resources can be accessed without the need for a tedious and long process of approval. For example, if a student wishes to borrow a certain laboratory equipment, the paper trails of request for approval can be eliminated by using an online inventory system for borrowing lab equipment.

2. Cost efficiency

Various equipment, systems, and operations can be integrated through using IoT technology. Some routine functions, like switching the lights and air conditioning units on or off at certain times of the day or under specific conditions, can be programmed.

For example, sensors can be installed in classrooms that will detect the presence and number of people. These sensors can automatically send information to the control system to adjust the optimal lighting and temperature. Many other building functions such as the CCTV and water system can be integrated into the IoT network. This will help in saving electricity and other utility bills.

You could even get students involved in setting this up so they learn how everything works.

3. Real-time usage & updating

An IoT system has built-in means of sharing information among the different networked devices and sensors. For example, it’s easy to log the number of times an office printer is used and by whom. Similarly, the movements of personnel in a facility can be tracked by using RFID. In a school setting, this system is useful in checking attendance and finding an employee or a student on campus.

4. Remote monitoring

The educational applications of remote monitoring are vast. For example, laboratory experiments that need constant evaluation can be collectively monitored by students and teachers that have access to the cameras and sensors associated with a particular experimental setup.

Internet & education

When the world wide web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee of CERN in 1989, it paved the way for a user-friendly, accessible platform full of rich content.

The internet as we know today has virtually replaced the need for expensive encyclopedias, vast libraries, and other printed materials. Although printed materials are still being used and likely to last, their popularity has significantly declined over the past decades. Students no longer need to go to the library to get the information that they need. They can easily search online for the information. What’s more, the information that they can find online is more updated and is available in other accessible formats, such as video.

In a similar way, teachers can do their research for a lesson or subject using online resources. The internet also made it possible for classes to be taught with the aid of streaming services.

The internet may not totally replace the need for tangible books and libraries, but it is crucial in education, not only as a means of getting information, but also for communication and interaction. The many platforms found online are tools for modern education that are now indispensable.


The Internet of Things, or IoT, is increasingly becoming integrated into education and the education system. It provides a wide range of benefits for both students and teachers in terms of accessibility, interactivity, and collaboration.

Are you an educator looking for IoT resources for high school? Take a look at Arduino Education’s Explore IoT Kit and how it can support your hands-on IoT lessons.