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Below is the coding for my Electric Gate which controls both side of the gate. I will post the schematic diagram later. I am sharing with anyone who is interested on this. Enjoy!

Recently, I had just updated the code because I had found some minor bugs on my gate. This will actually speed up the signal responds time.


/*Simple Gate Controller*/
Author: Englebert Lai
Date: 6th June 2011
Description: This is just a simple PWM driven Electric gate System. A replacement
board for the existing fried board due to lightning strikes. It works the same and
performs better than the original system.

Next phase for this code will be using some electronics current sensor for
detecting the load of the motors so it will know when to cut off the power of the
gate instead of using the delay as the timing to open or close the gate. 

#define REMOTE_BUTTON_1 7
#define REMOTE_BUTTON_2 8
#define PWM_A 12
#define PWM_B 11

#define RUN 1
#define STOP 0

// Variables
int remote_button_1_state = LOW;			// Getting the reading from the remote controller
int remote_button_2_state = LOW;			// Getting the reading from the remote controller
int gate_1_direction_state = LOW;			// LOW = close, HIGH = open
int gate_2_direction_state = HIGH;			// LOW = close, HIGH = open
int gate_function = 0;					// 0 = do nothing (idle)
							// 1 = button one pressed
							// 2 = button two pressed
							// 3 = button one and two pressed
unsigned long lastTick = 0;
unsigned long lastDebounce = 0;

void detect_remote_command() {
	unsigned long lastTick = 0;

	// Delay for 2 seconds before starting the detection process

	lastTick = millis();
	Serial.println("Detecting remote command while executing motor process.");
	while(millis() - lastTick < 17000) {
		// If detected some commands from the remote....emergency stop
		// Getting data from the remote controller
		remote_button_1_state = digitalRead(REMOTE_BUTTON_1);
		remote_button_2_state = digitalRead(REMOTE_BUTTON_2);

		if(remote_button_1_state == LOW || remote_button_2_state == LOW) {
			// Stop all the motors...
			motor(0, 0, STOP);
			motor(1, 0, STOP);

			Serial.println("EMERGENCY STOPPED the MOTORS as remote key signal received.");

	// Stops all motor now
	motor(0, 0, STOP);
	motor(1, 0, STOP);

	Serial.println("Normal stopping on Motors");

void motor(int id, int direction, int mode) {
	if(id == 0) {
		if(mode == RUN) {
			if(direction == 0) {
				digitalWrite(GATE_A_DIRECTION, LOW);
			} else {
				digitalWrite(GATE_A_DIRECTION, HIGH);
			digitalWrite(PWM_A, HIGH);
		} else {
			digitalWrite(GATE_A_DIRECTION, direction);
			digitalWrite(PWM_A, LOW);

	if(id == 1) {
		if(mode == RUN) {
			if(direction == 0) {
				digitalWrite(GATE_B_DIRECTION, LOW);
			} else {
				digitalWrite(GATE_B_DIRECTION, HIGH);
			digitalWrite(PWM_B, HIGH);
		} else {
			digitalWrite(GATE_B_DIRECTION, direction);
			digitalWrite(PWM_B, LOW);

void gate_command(int mode) {
	switch(mode) {
		case 1:
			// Open/Close gate A
			gate_1_direction_state = !gate_1_direction_state;
			Serial.print("GATE A DIRECTION (BUTTON 1): ");

			// Initiate open gate process
			motor(0, gate_1_direction_state, RUN);

			// Detect button press for emergency stop opening or closing gate


		case 2:
			// Open/Close gate A & B
			gate_1_direction_state = !gate_1_direction_state;
			gate_2_direction_state = !gate_2_direction_state;
			Serial.println("GATE DIRECTION (BUTTON 2)");
			Serial.print("GATE A DIRECTION: ");
			Serial.print("GATE B DIRECTION: ");

			// Initiate open gate process
			motor(0, gate_1_direction_state, RUN);
			motor(1, gate_2_direction_state, RUN);

			// Detect button press for emergency stop opening or closing gate


		case 3:
			// Open/Close gate B
			gate_2_direction_state = !gate_2_direction_state;
			Serial.print("GATE B DIRECTION (BUTTON 1 and BUTTON 2): ");

			// Initiate open gate process
			motor(1, gate_2_direction_state, RUN);

			// Detect button press for emergency stop opening or closing gate


void setup() {
	Serial.println("Starting GateDuino Controller Version 1.0 alpha");
	Serial.println("Initializing Parameters");

	pinMode(REMOTE_BUTTON_1, INPUT);	// set the pin as input
	digitalWrite(REMOTE_BUTTON_1, HIGH);	// turn on the internal pullup resistor 20k

	pinMode(REMOTE_BUTTON_2, INPUT);	// set the pin as input
	digitalWrite(REMOTE_BUTTON_2, HIGH);	// turn on the internal pullup resistor 20k

	pinMode(GATE_A_DIRECTION, OUTPUT);	// set the pin as output
	pinMode(GATE_B_DIRECTION, OUTPUT);	// set the pin as output
	pinMode(PWM_A, OUTPUT);			// set the pin as output
	pinMode(PWM_B, OUTPUT);			// set the pin as output

void loop() {
	// Getting data from the remote controller
	remote_button_1_state = digitalRead(REMOTE_BUTTON_1);
	remote_button_2_state = digitalRead(REMOTE_BUTTON_2);

	// Debugging only will be removed
	Serial.print("BUTTON 1: ");
	Serial.print("BUTTON 2: ");

	// When getting the button 2 then will try to open or close the gate based on the previous gate state.
	if(remote_button_1_state == LOW && remote_button_2_state == LOW) {

	if(remote_button_1_state == HIGH && remote_button_2_state == LOW) {

	if(remote_button_1_state == LOW && remote_button_2_state == HIGH) {

	if(remote_button_1_state == HIGH && remote_button_2_state == HIGH) {
		// Do nothing....
		// gate_command(0);
