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Bank 1.2 Hardware and Library

EEProm memory bank for Arduino with AT24C control library

Linking toghether several knowledges on Arduino and the possibilities to store memory data on low-cost external devices, we have released Bank 1.2 based on I2C EEProm.

Project summary

The idea that's beside this project is to build a robust board compatibile with Arduino and other microcontrollers covering the following goals:

  • Simple to build
  • Low cost
  • Capable to work in a wide range of environments
  • Scalable
  • Low resources occupation on Arduino boards

In the first phase of study, I found that there are on the net a lot of ideas but all seem incomplete. Thus covering personal needs and what seems the needs of a lot of other users, in cooperation with electronics I developed Bank. For hardware information, electric diagram and PCB and for download the project pages please refer to the project home page.

Hardware notes

Bank 1.2 can support up to eight I2C EEPROM devices but work also if the user plug only some of these. In fact, there are several kind of I2C EEPROM that can be stacked only in four units due to their limitation in address pins (as expalined in the datasheets)

Bank 1.2 scheme is modular, so it's not so difficult to modify it (dowloading Eagle files) inserting only the needed modules in another project. Actually Bank 1.2 is released on PCB board with eight AT24C128B devices with DIL sockets and can also be bought in kit or only the PCB.