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A logic analyzer can be an important tool when debugging a project, particularly when dealing with precise timing constraints. There are a few options available, including the code below. For a more full featured logic analyzer compatible with the open SUMP protocol check out this forum thread:

Here's the original option.

This is a very crude logic analyzer. Output will be to the serial port. You will need to add 2040 missing lines as indicated below.

The idea is to capture everything into a .csv file and then display it using some spreadsheet --> no need for any specialized display software.

The output is formatted to allow quick analysis even in the terminal.

It will always stop in an endless loop --> push reset to restart.

// no rights, no warranty, no claims, just a quick hack
// Udo Klein August 2009

void setup() {
    const uint8_t mask = 0xff;

    const int max  = 1024;
    const int show = 1024;
    uint8_t log[max];

    // configure all port D pins for input
    for (int pin = 0; pin < 8; ++pin) {
        digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);

    // capture 1024 at 1 byte each 3 cycles
    // trigger if any of the bits in mask changes

    uint8_t tmp;  // dummy for temporary register
    __asm__ __volatile__ (	
        "    cli"                      "\n\t"  

        // wait for trigger condition
        "    in   __tmp_reg__, %[pin_d]"  "\n\t"     
        "    and  __tmp_reg__, %[mask]"    "\n\t"
        "1:  in   %[tmp], %[pin_d]"       "\n\t"      
        "    and  %[tmp], %[mask]"         "\n\t"
        "    cp   %[tmp], __tmp_reg__"     "\n\t"
        "    breq 1b"                      "\n\t"		

        // log 1024 bytes
        "    in   %[tmp], %[pin_d]"    "\n\t"     
        "    st   %a[log]+, %[tmp]"     "\n\t"
        "    in   %[tmp], %[pin_d]"    "\n\t"     
        "    st   %a[log]+, %[tmp]"     "\n\t"          

--- snip  --- 2040 similar lines deleted --- snip ---

        "    in   %[tmp], %[pin_d]"    "\n\t"     
        "    st   %a[log]+, %[tmp]"     "\n\t"     
        "    in   %[tmp], %[pin_d]"    "\n\t"     
        "    st   %a[log]+, %[tmp]"     "\n\t"      

        "    sei"                      "\n\t"   

        :                       // no output
        :   [log]    "e" (log),   // constraint: pointer register		
            [pin_d] "M" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PIND)),  // constraint: constant
            [mask]   "a" (mask),  // constraint: simple upper register		  		
            [tmp]    "a" (tmp)    // constraint: simple upper register		  
        :    "memory"            


    for (int line = 0; line < show; ++line) {    
        for (int i = 7; i >= 0; --i) {
            Serial.print((log[line] >> i) & 1);
    for (;;) {}

void loop() {