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Simple Simon Says Game

Creator: Andrew Mascolo(HazardsMind)

Buttons are to be wired normally HIGH (LOW when pressed)
Pay attention to how the LED pins follow directly after the Button pins.

  This code is set for buttons to be normally LOW by default.
  To change from normally LOW to HIGH, use "if (buttonState[count] == LOW && buttonState[count] != lastButtonState[count]) "

#define Num_of_Pins 4 // number of buttons and/or LEDs  used
#define SequenceLenght 50 // max lenght of the pattern
#define TonePin 12 // pin for the Piezo 

const byte LEDpin[Num_of_Pins] = {6, 7, 8, 9}; // LED pins used
const byte ButtonPin[Num_of_Pins] = {2, 3, 4, 5}; //Buttons pins used
const int Note[Num_of_Pins] = {165, 330, 659, 1319}; // tone per LED

byte ledList[SequenceLenght]; // starting pattern
byte buttonState[Num_of_Pins] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; // button state holder
byte lastButtonState[Num_of_Pins] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; // store old button state for compare

byte Pat_count = 0; // number of LEDs in starting pattern
int Btemp = 0; // temporary button pin holder

unsigned int Speed = 300; // pattern display speed
byte count = 0; // cycle through button pins

unsigned long lastDebounceTime[Num_of_Pins]; // record last time button was pressed
unsigned long time; // record initial time for pattern blinks

bool PatternStatus = false; // toggle whether player has won or not

void setup()
  randomSeed(analogRead(A4) / analogRead(A5)); // set a seed value upon start up
  for (int cnt = 0; cnt < Num_of_Pins; cnt++) // initialize LED pins and buttons
    pinMode(LEDpin[cnt], OUTPUT);
    pinMode(ButtonPin[cnt], INPUT_PULLUP);
    ledList[cnt] = random(6, 9);

void loop() 
  showPattern(); // display the LED pattern
  VerifyButtons(); // wait for button presses and check to see button presses match LEDs that were lit

void showPattern()
  for (byte pattern = 0; pattern < Pat_count; pattern++) // cycle through LED pattern and blink them
    time = millis();
    while (millis() - time < Speed)
      digitalWrite(ledList[ pattern ], HIGH);
      tone(TonePin, Note[ledList[pattern] - 6]);

    time = millis();
    while (millis() - time < Speed)
      digitalWrite(ledList[ pattern ], LOW);

void VerifyButtons()
  static byte i;
  i = 0;

  while (i < Pat_count)
    Btemp = Getbutton(); // get a value from Getbutton function
    if (Btemp != -1) // filter out no button press "0"
      tone(TonePin, Note[Btemp - 2]); 

      //Serial.println(Btemp); // debug purpose
      if (ledList[i] == (Btemp + Num_of_Pins)) // compare button pressed to LED lit
        i++; // each correct button press, increments ledList to check the next LED
        PatternStatus = true;
      else // If at any time a button was incorrect, set PatternStatus to false to show losing message then get out of while loop
        PatternStatus = false;
      Serial.println(F("Times Up"));
      PatternStatus = false;
  if (PatternStatus == true) // button pattern matched all shown LEDs
    Speed -= 9; // increase pattern speed, by lowering Speed value
    Serial.println(F("Pattern was Good"));
  else Serial.println(F("Player Lost"));

void updatePattern() // if player has entered buttons correctly add a new LED to ledList
  if (Pat_count > 32)
    Serial.println(F("Player has won the game"));
  ledList[Pat_count - 1] = random(5, 7);

int Getbutton()
  static unsigned long timeOut = 2000, countDown;
  countDown = millis();

  while (millis() - countDown <= timeOut)
    for (count = 0; count < Num_of_Pins; count++) // loop through all the buttons
      buttonState[count] = digitalRead(ButtonPin[count]); // read button states

      if (buttonState[count] != lastButtonState[count]) // check to see if the state has changed from last press
        if (buttonState[count] == LOW)
          lastDebounceTime[count] = millis();// record the time of the last press
          lastButtonState[count] = buttonState[count]; // update old button state for next checking
      if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime[count]) > 50UL)
        if (buttonState[count] == LOW)
          return ButtonPin[count];
  return -1; // return button pin pressed