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Infrared receiver modules

Unfortunately there are almost as many infrared protocols as there are devices that use them. If your goal is to control something connected to the Arduino with a standard remote control then the easiest way is to purchase a programmable remote. Configure it to use a Sony TV protocol and use the code posted at,17965.html by Paul Malmsten

However, if you want to integrate the Arduino into an existing infrared remote system, then you need to identify the protocol in use. The first step is to capture that protocol. If you have access to a DSO (even a Parallax Optascope or USB Stingray will work) then it's easy. However, if you're not so equipped I've developed an Arduino sketch that will allow a standard 3-pin IR receiver module to be connected to the Arduino and the signal changes to be captured with a 4uS resolution.

 *  File....... IRanalyzer.pde 
 *  Purpose.... Records up to 128 signal changes
 *  Author..... Walter Anderson 
 *  E-mail..... 
 *  Started.... 18 May 2007 
 *  Updated.... 18 May 2007 
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/io.h>

#define TIMER_RESET  TCNT1 = 0
#define SAMPLE_SIZE  64

int IRpin = 2;
unsigned int TimerValue[SAMPLE_SIZE];
char direction[SAMPLE_SIZE];
byte change_count;
long time;

void setup() {
  Serial.println("Analyze IR Remote");
  TCCR1A = 0x00;          // COM1A1=0, COM1A0=0 => Disconnect Pin OC1 from Timer/Counter 1 -- PWM11=0,PWM10=0 => PWM Operation disabled
  // ICNC1=0 => Capture Noise Canceler disabled -- ICES1=0 => Input Capture Edge Select (not used) -- CTC1=0 => Clear Timer/Counter 1 on Compare/Match
  // CS12=0 CS11=1 CS10=1 => Set prescaler to clock/64
  TCCR1B = 0x03;          // 16MHz clock with prescaler means TCNT1 increments every 4uS
  // ICIE1=0 => Timer/Counter 1, Input Capture Interrupt Enable -- OCIE1A=0 => Output Compare A Match Interrupt Enable -- OCIE1B=0 => Output Compare B Match Interrupt Enable
  // TOIE1=0 => Timer 1 Overflow Interrupt Enable
  TIMSK1 = 0x00;          
  pinMode(IRpin, INPUT);

void loop()
  change_count = 0;
  while(digitalRead(IRpin) == HIGH) {}                                 
  TimerValue[change_count] = TCNT1;
  direction[change_count++] = '0';
  while (change_count < SAMPLE_SIZE) {
    if (direction[change_count-1] == '0') {
      while(digitalRead(IRpin) == LOW) {}
      TimerValue[change_count] = TCNT1;
      direction[change_count++] = '1';
    } else {
      while(digitalRead(IRpin) == HIGH) {}
      TimerValue[change_count] = TCNT1;
      direction[change_count++] = '0';
  Serial.println("Bit stream detected!");
  change_count = 0;
  time = (long) TimerValue[change_count] * 4;
  while (change_count < SAMPLE_SIZE) {
    time = (long) TimerValue[change_count] * 4;
  Serial.println("Bit stream end!");

The data displayed in the Serial Monitor can be cut and pasted into a data file and displayed using software such as gnuplot (which is available for most platforms) using the command plot '\pathname\datafilename.dat' using 1:2 with lines

An example output from my cable remote using this sketch and gnuplot is shown in the attached pdf document.
