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AdvButton library for the Arduino platform by:
- Bart Meijer (

If you like this library, or have any other comments, please drop me a line.

Current version

(2010/05/06) 1.4: Added support for rotary encoders. Some code clean-up

(2010/05/06) 1.2: Fixed the library to be compatible with Arduino 1.0.3

(2010/05/06) 1.1: New release

(2010/24/01) 1.0: Initial release

Features new in 1.4

  1. You can now also use rotary encoders

Features new in 1.2

  1. Fix to be compatible with Arduino 1.0.3

Features new in 1.1

  1. Debouncing detection
  2. Button repeat improved
  3. New parameter in constructor, allowing the use of analog buttons


  1. Event based implementation
  2. Recording the time a button is pressed
  3. Adjustable repeat delay, start delay for the keypressed event
  4. requires only a single call in the main loop

Download, install and import

Download here: Δ

Check also my Github for releases:

Extract the folder AdvButton under <Arduino home>/libraries/. (Re)start the Arduino application and select from the menu bar: "Sketch->Import Library->AdvButton". The following lines should be added:

#include <AdvButton.h>
#include <ButtonManager.h>

See the file buttondemo.pde, included in the zip, for an example.

Older releases

Version 1.2:

Version 1.1:

Version 1.0:


After importing the header files, declare the buttons:

#define PINBUTTON1 2
#define PINBUTTON2 0

#define PINLIGHT1 8
#define PINLIGHT2 9

AdvButton but1 = AdvButton(PINBUTTON1,OnKeyPressBut1,100,1000,btn_Digital);
AdvButton but2 = AdvButton(PINBUTTON2,NULL,OnKeyDownBut2,OnKeyUpBut2,btn_analog);

Button 1 will generate a keypress event upon pressing the button at pin 2. After a short delay (1000 milliseconds), every 100 milliseconds the keypress event is raise again. Until the button is released.

Button 2 (on analog pin 0) will generate a keydown event upon pressing the button at pin 3. After releasing the button a keyup event is raised.

Next we need to define the event functions. The triggering button is passed as parameter.

void OnKeyPressBut1(AdvButton* but)

void OnKeyDownBut2(AdvButton* but)


void OnKeyUpBut2(AdvButton* but)

Last is the adding a call to the buttonmanager to update the button states:

void loop()

Rotary encoders

You can hook up a rotary encoder like a normal button. You only need to define the encoder pins, an valueChanged event en optionally a max value.

void OnKeyPressBut1(AdvButton* but) {

  // Encoder button pressed


void OnEncoderValueCHanged(AdvEncoder* but) {

  // read the current rotary value
  int val = but->getValue();


// 10 is the max value. If this is set to -1, it will not have a max value. AdvEncoder but1 = AdvEncoder(ENCA,ENCB,OnEncoderValueCHanged,10,PINBUTTON1,OnKeyPressBut1);