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Develop for Arduino using Kdevelop

Kdevelop is a free development environment that can be set up to work with Arduino. This page is very much a work-in-progress and explains how to achieve basic Arduino support for Kdevelop, please feel free to add to it or improve it. As of Arduino 1.0, the old Kdevelop/CMAKE plugin no longer works. A new version has been attached below.



On Debian and others distros kdevelop and arduino-core is needed:

  • apt-get install kdevelop arduino-core

Copy "arduinocmake.tar.bz2" from to/usr/share/kde4/apps/kdevappwizard/templates

Create a new external script in kdevelop, you can name it "Compile and upload Arduino" and put the following command:

  • make TARGET=%b all upload


  1. Select "New from template" on Project menu.
  2. Select "Simpre Arduino application" template.
  3. Select a name for your project, press Next and then Finish.
  4. Edit the example as you need. I recommend to add #include "WProgram.h" at top of pde file for better arduino support.
  5. Edit Makefile if necessary
  6. Select "Compile and upload Arduino" external script


If you have a diecimila arduino the Makefile is correct. If you have another arduino you must edit Makefile with information you can grab from /usr/share/arduino/hardware/arduino/boards.txt


To improve arduino support on kdevelop you can add at the top of the pde file:

  • #include "WProgram.h"

If you want to view arduino documentation (not a very polite method), you can configure php documentation to point at:

  • /usr/share/doc/arduino-core/reference

As a serial monitor you can use cutecom, you can instal it with:

  • apt-get instal cutecom

To open examples you can manually copy to your project the file from:

  • /usr/share/doc/arduino-core/examples

Finally to select de board and communications port you must manually edit Makefile. On AVRDUDE_ARD_BAUDRATE you must select the correct baudrate for your board, on MCU you must select the microcontroller model of your board, on F_CPU is the frecuency of your board and ARDUINO_PORT the communications port. This information is on /usr/share/arduino/hardware/arduino/boards.txt file.