
Official libraries

  • Arduino_APDS9960: A library for the APDS-9960 sensor
  • Arduino_BHY2: Library for BHY2 chip on Nicla Sense ME
  • Arduino_BMI270_BMM150: Allows you to read the accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope values from the IMU on your Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2
  • Arduino_GigaDisplayTouch: Touch library for Arduino Giga Display Shield
  • Arduino_GroveI2C_Ultrasonic: Get distance and travel time from M5stack Grove I2C ultrasonic sensor.
  • Arduino_HS300x: Allows you to read the temperature and humidity sensors of your Nano 33 BLE Sense R2.
  • Arduino_HTS221: Allows you to read the temperature and humidity sensors of your Nano 33 BLE Sense.
  • Arduino_LPS22HB: Allows you to read the pressure sensor of your Nano 33 BLE Sense.
  • Arduino_LSM6DS3: Allows you to read the accelerometer, gyroscope, and temperature values from the LSM6DS3 IMU on your Arduino Nano 33 IoT or Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 boards.
  • Arduino_LSM6DSOX: Allows you to read the accelerometer and gyroscope values from the LSM6DSOX IMU on your Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect.
  • Arduino_LSM9DS1: Allows you to read the accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope values from the LSM9DS1 IMU on your Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense.
  • Arduino_MCHPTouch: A library for the Atmel touch sensors
  • Arduino_MKRENV: Allows you to read the temperature, humidity, pressure, light and UV sensors of your MKR ENV Shield.
  • Arduino_MKRGPS: Allows you to read the location from the GPS on your MKR GPS shield.
  • Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier: Controlling the IoT MKR Carrier
  • Arduino_MKRTHERM: Allows you to read the temperature sensors connected to your MKR THERM shield.
  • Arduino_NineAxesMotion: Arduino 9 Axes Motion Shield Library
  • Arduino_OV767X: Capture images from your OmniVision OV7670 camera in your Arduino sketches.
  • Arduino_Sensorkit: Arduino Sensor Kit
  • BNO055: Allows to use the IMU MKR Shield
  • MKRIMU: Allows you to read the acceleration, gyroscope, magnetic field and euler angles from the IMU on your MKR IMU shield.

Contributed by the community